i was wondering if girls are out there to try and find the guy of thier dreams, or they are out there to just fuck around. I mean, find a guy that will put ever last dime into them, and when they are broke, find somebody new. i dont know if this really is a debate or not, but i would liek to see what other people think, cause perosnally, i think its a mix of both, mostly just fucking with a guy.
aww bobby having girl troubles? well, it seems to me, a girl, that girls like to fuck around for a while, then when that gets old find a guy they actually want to settle down with. but guys do the exact same thing
When my time comes, I want to be burried face down. That way, anyone that doesn't like me, can kiss my ass!
No girl is the same. They all have their little fucked up problems. Luckily for me, I found a girl that is perfect for me, definitely NOT a gold digger as you are talking about. If a girl is all about the money, ditch the bitch asap.
There are girl players just like there are guy players. And there are girls who just want someone to screw and make them feel good while they look for someone else.
Well, girls mostly. Unless you swing the other way.
I can't really say I know a lot of girls that fuck around , nor can I say I know a lot of girls, but I DO know a couple of guys that go out every Thursday, and succeed to get their fingers wet - and the amazing thing is, they never get together with the same girl. They've been doing this every Thursday for the past 3 years, or so, and it's always a different girl.
How's that for fucking around?
Ooooh! Slipped my mind - I know of at least ONE high-class hooker.
Anytime. I consider myself one of these rare "trustworthy" girls, and I know for a fact that there are few of us around. Most of the girls I know fall into the first two catagories.
Especially those in my family. Spiteful wenches who don't know when to keep their legs shut, they are. But I love'm. *shrug*
im trustworthy if the guy is. if hes just playin then so am i. but i usually give guys the benifit of the doubt, am all nice, and then just get used =( i think its the guys that suck
When my time comes, I want to be burried face down. That way, anyone that doesn't like me, can kiss my ass!
I'm really good friends with this girl, and she wants to go out too. We get along real well, the feelings are genuine, and it seems almost perfect. Too bad things in this world are not perfect, but it will be good for awhile. If it doesn't work out, we'll still have our friendship.