Vollstrecker said:
Paladins are one of the BEST (hands down) support classes in the game. Cleanse means you have a significant advantage in group combat, and your survivability allows you to be healing for QUITE a long time before getting whacked down.
Blizzard's retarded class descriptions shouldn't even be used as references anymore, they're so wrong. Paladins in their current form are 100% support.
What's more the waste? You persisting at smacking people in the face with your hammer, ignoring the rest of your group like many noob Paladins, or you actually using your class skills to the benefit of the whole group? On my Shaman, even BEFORE I respecced Restoration, I was watching my party's health constantly, and keeping an eye out for opportunities for myself to make a real difference.
I didn't pick Shaman to be a totem/healbot for endgame, but that's what they ended up being.
Nearly every class I have played has turned out to have major issues or not be what they're supposed to be. Warlocks are gimped and buggy, Shamans are glorified healbots, and Mage is HIGHLY build dependant and have no real way to increase DPS except by sacrificing a lot of stats.
Voll's there is a difference between survivability and what a Paladin is. "Paladins have durability. Rogues have survivability - they can live to fight another day if things go sour. Paladin's can take damage, but without a group we can't dish it out. Think of a paladin as a warrior in Def stance who can't use special attacks and can heal - this is not survivable, but it is a meatshield. Pity that meatshields are useless in PvP and only useful in PvE if you are a tank." ( taken from WoW forums ) And just try as a Paladin to hold aggro, even with seal of fury it is impossible unless maybe you are fighting alot of mobs at one time and use concentration ( with nobody attacking the other mobs and only one guy ) but just try and last long like that, and just do concentration in a instance with other people and see how pissed off they get. My deal with the Paladin is that we cannot specialize, our talent trees make it so we go the damage tree and get a buff, go the buff tree and get a damage spell, it just doesn't make sense. And yes I do heal people, and I enjoy it, but to be half as good as any other healing class I would have to sacrifice all my "awesome armor" for some good stats.
I found that funny, and sad because it is so true.