i havent been around for a while, but ill probabaly be playing again soon.. shawn is gone and wtf.. OEL RAYNAIR? he sux but i think hes gone too .. either way i will give my list
1. me - becuase i just pwn and its undisputable
2. sille - even though he uses the gimpyest skillset in the game, he comes prepared and its very hard for me to kill him, if he doesnt kill me first
3.sir hacks alot - hes gotten better
4. stew - only other person that could possibly kill me besides sille and hacks
5. xanax - he puts up a good fight, better than most others but i still drop him 100% of the time
sorry drithe, i havent seen anything from you but you spouting off at the mouth how good you are, and your corpse
there used to be some better pvpers here that arent listed but they are gone now