I just recently quit my Clan because the leader turned Gestapo and started telling us to give him shit... Which is moronic.
I need a clan... I don't want items, I just want Mutual Friendship, not a cofee mate. just someone to play D2 with that I can get along with. ALL I ask for is a Rush... I got some uber ass gear for my barb and I want to try it out. Thx
I wonder how long you would live, with a bullet in your gut....
I wonder how much Sh!t you'd talk, if your throat was cut.....
i was member of a d2 clan for 'bout 1 yera and half
the keepers of the last soulstone
www.soulstone.net these guys are great, i just quit coz i dont play d2 anymore, they dont tolerate cheatign so if u gonna cheat dont bother goign to that page
clan <GP> is the way to go, the elite clan for people who like to duel, and eat cheeeeeeeeeese ^.^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; <--- korean style
we the mongoose and we play on west! whisper *master_andrew *yo-yo2040 *maikuraki2040 *maikuraki20402 *GP_andrew *stewie666
WE WANT YOU ------------> _________ (your name here)
I wanna join a pvp clan but still keep my name without having to wear the clan TAG. I was in a clan like that it was great as Apoc said its just for somone to be friends with and play d2 with and a person you can trust.
Guys want a nice clan...
Come check us out in channel is Clan Kk99 Or Clan Cowz
Mainly D2 players... we are a 4 year old clan... no newbies... will be dueled by multipul council members...
We Don't Ask For Items We Dont Give Free Items...
Well you can find out the rest later
Our Bots are 24/7
Head Council/ Leader: Disloyal
Council Members: Sway[K9] , Dog]K9[Pound4, Decinate.
These are the people you can be recruited by...
we had more council members but they recently got banned because they refused to follow the rules as council members...
Council Spots are opened... But aren't easily achieved...
We have members from 3 years back that still haven't reach the privledge of making council...
Exp. Is Not Nessacary but would Be Helpful )))
Don't take me for a peasant newb, I play on USEast
Someone that wants to start a clan pm me and i'll give you my acct.
No tags will be needed.
I wonder how long you would live, with a bullet in your gut....
I wonder how much Sh!t you'd talk, if your throat was cut.....