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Halo 3:ODST
Posted 2009-06-03, 03:22 PM
They've removed the motion tracker and according to an E3 video I saw on Xbox Live, have brought back the Halo 1 pistol. Thoughts?

KagomJack said:
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2009-06-03, 03:37 PM in reply to JRwakebord's post "Halo 3:ODST"
I thought they were calling it Stretch or 'sumpin?

They must've dropped it after they realized that's what the 100th installment of this game was going to be.

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[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-06-03, 05:23 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "I thought they were calling it Stretch..."
Stretch? What?

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2009-06-03, 11:58 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "I thought they were calling it Stretch..."
D3V said: [Goto]
I thought they were calling it Stretch or 'sumpin?

They must've dropped it after they realized that's what the 100th installment of this game was going to be.
Nub. There is Halo 3:ODST, and then also newly announced Halo: Reach. Not affiliated with Halo 3 in any way.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-06-04, 03:06 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Nub. There is Halo 3:ODST, and then..."
Explain the two games for someone that is out of the loop, used to love Halo, and would easily get rehooked again if a new game came out.
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-06-04, 12:01 PM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "Explain the two games for someone that..."
Halo 3:ODST is technically an expansion to Halo 3. You play as an Orbital Drop Shock Trooper, not a UNSC Spartan like you did in Halo 1 - Halo 3. It looks really cool from the videos I've seen. Here's a gameplay trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3...o-3-odst/50010 -- I guess there's a "Firefight" mode which is essentially like Gears of War 2's Horde mode. Since I haven't played GoW2 that much I don't know what that means.

Halo: Reach was just announced at E3. There's not too much known about it yet although bungie.net has a trailer. http://www.bungie.net/Projects/Reach/default.aspx
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-06-04, 06:03 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Halo 3:ODST is technically an expansion..."
Nice, now I'm excited.
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-06-04, 11:26 PM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "Nice, now I'm excited."
Does that mean you'll start playing again?

KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
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JRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzJRwakebord enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2009-06-05, 10:29 AM in reply to JRwakebord's post starting "Does that mean you'll start playing..."
No doubt holmes. I'll be married by that point, and probably looking for any reason to get away from the wife.
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-09-19, 07:31 PM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "No doubt holmes. I'll be married by..."
A bit of a trailer I stumbled across... An Uncut Live Action trailer for Halo: ODST that has gotten me uber-excited for the Halo movie that has been on hold since the 2 words were conjoined... x_x

Anywho...Halo: ODST Uncut Live Action goodness!
Jan. 1926 - Dec. 2010 est.

Check the Gallery and Scrapbook often!
[deviantArt Account!]

Spy Hard
Agent WD-40:
Well, you carry a UB-21 Schnauzer with an OPS Silencer, that's KGB, You prefer an 18-K over an AK, Your surveillance technique is NSA, Your ID is CIA, you recieved your PHD at NYU, traded in your GTO for a BMW, you listen to CD's by REM and STP, and you'd like to see JFK in his BVDs getting down with OPP and you probably put the toilet paper back on the roll with the paper on the inside...
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Draco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessDraco2003 has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-09-19, 10:59 PM in reply to Draco2003's post starting "A bit of a trailer I stumbled across......"
I jizzed my pants the first time I saw that. It's really badass if you actually play Halo 3.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-09-20, 02:10 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "I jizzed my pants the first time I saw..."
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Sum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be
Sum Yung Guy

Posted 2009-09-21, 12:53 PM in reply to Sum Yung Guy's post starting "http://www.youtube.com/watch/v/ktZ8VQkVi..."
Wow, looks pretty badass! I might just have to get it!
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2009-09-25, 09:22 AM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "Wow, looks pretty badass! I might just..."
I'll probably be playing it this weekend at my friend's house if anyone else will be around... say maybe Friday(tonight) and then Saturday night. Then I'll probably pick up a copy myself at the end of next week - after my first battery of tests is over - depending on how good I think it is.

Do any of the old DE plan on playing it regularly? I know I saw JR and a few others playing it Tuesday night after its release. Does it just feel like an expansion and come up short, not worth the $50/$60?
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S2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeS2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2009-09-25, 09:33 AM in reply to S2 AM's post starting "I'll probably be playing it this..."
I got it hours before it even released in the US

Have not opened it yet though... lol damn Aion.
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Sum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beSum Yung Guy seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be
Sum Yung Guy

Posted 2009-09-25, 11:37 AM in reply to Sum Yung Guy's post starting "I got it hours before it even released..."
It was shipped to my house yesterday, and I played it for about 3-4 hours last night. The campaign is terrible, at least from what I experienced. The missions are too short and the overall feel of the ODST solider ticks me off. I have not yet played FireFight, so I'm hoping this makes me re-think my stance on ODST but so far I am not impressed. FireFight better kick ass, if not this was a waste of $60.

The new Halo 3 disc, however, is pretty convenient. I like the 3 new maps. Longshore is my favorite.. because I love Big Team Battle. I'm a pro at that playlist. BTB > all.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-06, 10:22 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "It was shipped to my house yesterday,..."
I got it a few days ago just to play firefight with my friends around here. If any of you have it an want to play, just hit me up on xbox live sometime.

The second round of mythic maps are garbage, though.
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S2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeS2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2009-10-06, 10:31 AM in reply to S2 AM's post starting "I got it a few days ago just to play..."
Wrong. Citadel and Longshore are good maps. Heretic sucks, though.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-06, 10:42 AM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Wrong. Citadel and Longshore are good..."
Longshore is passable, but definitely not good. I don't see how you can even like citadel, it's a small lame symmetric map, not much different from heretic(midship). The only reason most halo players will get these maps is because bungie forces anyone who wants to play over a quarter of the playlists to buy the maps. If there were two identical sets of playlists, one for people with mythic maps and one for those without, only a small fraction of the players would probably buy the maps - not that they even have a choice to just 'download the maps' yet, or has bungie(Microsoft) put up a download yet? I haven't checked recently.
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S2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeS2 AM shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2009-10-06, 12:23 PM in reply to S2 AM's post starting "Longshore is passable, but definitely..."
As of right now you can't download the second part of the mythic maps yet. I'm sure it will be made available sometime, though.

I like Citadel because it is good for BR battles and sniping. I'm a BR whore. I pretty much refuse to play without BR starts, which is why I like Big Team Battle so much. Oh, and the new ranked playlist, Throwback, is pretty damn fun. 1 flag, 2 flag, or oddball with all BR starts. Love it.

btw, check out my bungie page.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics


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