!King_Amazon! said:
Well, most definately the problem of loss of culture would arise, but only temporarily. There would be only one culture, and the next generations would take it as their own. Eventually, we would be one united race, culture, etc.
I see this as an interesting point, but even greater, the fact that as it progressed in time, wouldn't it eventually come back to the point of evolution and different areas of this new culture may go off into their own direction and eventually we'd just make a giant loop and culture would start over?
!King_Amazon! said:
I don't mean one country (USA, for example) taking over the world and making everyone change to our culture. I mean everyone losing their culture, to join as one culture. Rather than having individual countries who have their own ideals and agendas, have a single race/nation set on improving humanity, living conditions, etc.
I agree with this half of the story, I would love for our world to improve on Humanity, but there are SO MANY FACTORS in this world that would make this pretty much impossible for anything to happen, atleast in any sort of distant future. Religion is probably the biggest problem, believe it or not, MOST nations and country basically believe in one God or a God, a higher being, but there are variations, which comes back to the point of causing the problem.
So with religion being ruled out, the
Language barrier would be the next problem that would have to be solved, and that is being solved before our very eyes, English is going to dominate the world, one way or another. I remember reading somewhere that somewhere around 50% of people in China could speak/write English, which is
I just don't ever see a Utopia being feesible, atleats in my mindset, not without something Destructive happening to our World/Universe where something so great would happen that we would have to ban together for our own good, something like you'd see in Independance Day.
I guess I just feel that we could still be different, AND move forward, you are right K_A, we do have very very very great potential and have ONLY begun to unlock just the tiniest percentage of what we are capable of, but the real question is if we can be different and move forward or not, and I believe that we can.