I got mine from an acquaintance across the pond, farther up the bank than Lenny, though...
Generally no one will ever give decent web hosting to anyone without something in return. Thats how I got stuck spriting all original graphics for the aforementioned acquaintance's game.
Saying that, there do seem to be quite a few good, free hosts, who stay free and ad-free because of their forums, but you've got to have ten posts a month.
Zelaron Should offer 1GB hosting to anyone with over 1000 posts. Either that or 100% activity, seeing as to how people wouldn't, no, can't spam to cheat that system.
The server is actually close to out of HD space at most times, and our bandwidth sucks, so any hosting offer would be on the contingency that you get kicked off if you actually generate any traffic
Now, processing power, on the other hand, we have in abundance...
I still have an old free Brinkster account, I don't know if they still offer them but it was decent enough for a small info website. Wasn't really good for offering downloads though, for obvious reasons.