i have no proof or anything of the sort
but is it true that pornography is adictive to the human mind?(this includes hentai) alot of men are atracted to pornography(for obvious reasons)
and some women watch it also, but is it addictive like a drug or somethin?
can you start watching it and stop at any moment wihtout your mind or body asking for more?
stay on topic, the fact that physically your not addicted sustains the fact that mentally you are? since the body reacts accordingly to the brain then that means that if the brain was not attentinve to pornography then watching it wouldn't turn someone on correct?
It can be addictive. Depends on the person. It's like how some people are addicted to marijuana. It's mental and/or psychological.
You're an idiot.
There is nothing in marijuana that can make your body physically addicted to it. Therefore, it's a psychological addiction.
What's hard to understand about this people? If you are addicted to something, it's either because of a chemical dependancy that your body has formed, or you're psychologically addicted to it.
Chemical dependancy could most likely be shown to be a different thing than physical addiction, but they are pretty much in the same boat, and physical addiction is also caused by a certain chemical.
Marijuana has no addictive chemicals in it, and people who smoke marijuana are not physically addicted to it. What's addictive about marijuana is the feeling you get when you use it, therefore it is a psychological addiction.
i have no proof or anything of the sort
but is it true that pornography is adictive to the human mind?(this includes hentai) alot of men are atracted to pornography(for obvious reasons)
and some women watch it also, but is it addictive like a drug or somethin?
can you start watching it and stop at any moment wihtout your mind or body asking for more?
There's nothing addictive about marijuana, like !K_A! says. It's the "high" you get when you use it. Keep in mind that the people who are against drugs (eg. teachers, government, etc.) turn something very small into something very big. Like lets say a pothead was sitting on a bench next to a scientific professor who works for the government and the scientist is taking note of the pothead. Now the pothead goes and says "God, a bowl of chronic would be nice right about now, sitting on this boring bench waiting for teh bus". Now the noob professor he's like "OMFG, this guy's ADDICTED to marijuanana." So he goes and makes videos about the scientific facts of marijuana and how they can be so-called "addictive" and sends it to all the junior high schools around the country. That way when they get to high school they are all D.A.R.E. noobs but eventually start smoking and are coke-heads by the time they're 20.
IMO it's not the drugs that are the problem for the most part, it's the users. Just like guns.
There's nothing wrong with Pot if you're responsible about it. There's nothing wrong with World of Warcraft if you're responsible about it. There's nothing wrong with sex if you're responsible about it.
Anything can be addictive, addictions can ruin lives, that's why people should be more responsible with things they could become addicted to.
Give me all your lunch money! No! I gave you mine yesterday! Look, kiddo, give me your lunch money or I'll lend you my WoW account for a wholllllle month. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!