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Why white people are better.
Posted 2006-11-05, 05:41 AM

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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-05, 11:34 AM in reply to Death's post "Why white people are better."
Conclusion: retarded.


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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-05, 12:01 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "Conclusion: retarded. Closed. ..."
Thanatos said:
Conclusion: retarded.


I'm sorry, did I just supply you with too much factual information? You cannot deny what it says there because its the truth, so instead you decide to post a 4 word reply... good going kid .

Last edited by Death; 2006-11-05 at 02:42 PM.
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-05, 12:32 PM in reply to Death's post starting "I'm sorry, did I just supply you with..."
It's actually 4 words...

I like your use of making key words bold.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-05, 02:41 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "It's actually 4 words... I like..."
Lenny said:
It's actually 4 words...
My bad, thought the smilie was actually in his reply. Fixed now.

I like your use of making key words bold.
Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but it gets the message across a lot better .
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-05, 09:39 PM in reply to Death's post starting "I'm sorry, did I just supply you with..."
What are you trying to prove, idiot? You're speaking to the wrong crowd. None of us want to hear your unintellectual bullshit. Your posts mean nothing. They lack..... intelligence. Idiot.
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Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-05, 10:29 PM in reply to Thanatos's post starting "What are you trying to prove, idiot?..."
Thanatos said:
What are you trying to prove, idiot? You're speaking to the wrong crowd. None of us want to hear your unintellectual bullshit. Your posts mean nothing. They lack..... intelligence. Idiot.
Hahahaha. You're such a dork. I love it.
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Grav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrowGrav never puts off to tomorrow what can be done the day after tomorrow

Posted 2006-11-05, 11:02 PM in reply to Grav's post starting "Hahahaha. You're such a dork. I love it."
Death said:

If you want to take some of the worst of the black race and some of better depicted of the white race, then yea. But if that's factual information, then let me present some factual information as well.

Me vs You. Oh snap! White race just got owned.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2006-11-06, 09:31 AM in reply to Grav's post starting "Hahahaha. You're such a dork. I love it."
GravitonSurge said:
Hahahaha. You're such a dork. I love it.
omg kakaka d2 rush me plz? gime itam!? u gotz?
Profile PM WWW Search
Thanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basicsThanatos simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-05, 02:44 PM in reply to Death's post "Why white people are better."
Here's some more facts for you all:

Our women:

Their women:

Our architecture:

Their architecture:

Could go on for a while btw
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-05, 03:02 PM in reply to Death's post starting "Here's some more facts for you all: ..."
White rapper

Black Rapper
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-05, 06:35 PM in reply to Death's post starting "Here's some more facts for you all: ..."
Attention whore:

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wilma is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenwilma is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-05, 07:31 PM in reply to wilma's post starting "Attention whore: ..."
a bag of walnuts:

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Mantralord seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beMantralord seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beMantralord seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beMantralord seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2006-11-13, 11:02 AM in reply to wilma's post starting "Attention whore: ..."
wilma said:
Attention whore:

Are you trying to make a point? I fail to see it, would you mind stating it clearly ?

Death, lets go play some d2 and beat up on the paladins and sorcs.
I'm sorry, I've stopped gaming ages ago. Feel free to go and play some fucked up game yourself though.

What are you trying to prove, idiot? You're speaking to the wrong crowd. None of us want to hear your unintellectual bullshit. Your posts mean nothing. They lack..... intelligence. Idiot.
I thought it was clear I was trying to prove the white race is superior. Look at the pictures again and it'll be clear to you.

"Idiot", "unintellectual", "intelligence".. good going there kid. Mind pointing out which parts of my posts are actually "unintellectual" as you call it?

If you want to take some of the worst of the black race and some of better depicted of the white race, then yea. But if that's factual information, then let me present some factual information as well.

Me vs You. Oh snap! White race just got owned.
Sure, go ahead.. show me some of the best things the black race came up with and I'll top it with the prestations of the white race. Look at history for gods sake, all you lot can do is reduce a stable country into a chaotic mix of anarchism and socialism.

As for the me vs you, unfortunately that won't happen. I'd love to fight you though, should be fun. Wouldn't be much fun for you now would it?

Need I remind anyone of:
Right, that's a picture of some black junglebunny jumping over some confused white idiot playing a niggers sport. Your point being?

white people over all are better, but who cares
I'm glad we agree. However, why import the other races by mass numbers if they're inferior and thus do our countries no good? That is effectively destroying the white race in the long term.
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-13, 11:16 AM in reply to Death's post starting "Are you trying to make a point? I fail..."
Has your account been taken over by D3V, out of pure interest?
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2006-11-13, 12:43 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "Has your account been taken over by..."
Lenny said:
Has your account been taken over by D3V, out of pure interest?
Nope, it most certainly has not. D3V is nothing more than a forum troll, I'm trying to get a real message across here.
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-13, 11:35 AM in reply to Death's post starting "Are you trying to make a point? I fail..."
Death said:
Sure, go ahead.. show me some of the best things the black race came up with and I'll top it with the prestations of the white race. Look at history for gods sake, all you lot can do is reduce a stable country into a chaotic mix of anarchism and socialism.
Irrelevant. What matters is here and now. Why is it that every single suburban white kid wants to be black now days? If we're so damned inferior, why are you (since individuals and races are quite clearly the same thing) so damned gullible buying into the whole thing. Why is it that your white women are so quick to throw themselves at us?

But since we are discussing history, lets look at history. Africa was rather well-off before the white race came in. You turned it into a chaotic mix, not us. In fact, since we're judging races as a whole, the white race as a whole is an imperial plague, infesting everywhere it goes with its own self-righteous, yet at times quite moronic ideas, destroying everything in its path, and then having the audacity to point its finger at others and claiming them as the violent ones.

OH SNAP! You see that. I just took your bigotry and topped it by 2! Black ftw! Oh, and btw, tell your children not to use my "oh snap" phrase. It's quite clearly a "nigger phrase."

You want to see some of the best things black can come up with? Me. You can't top that, bitch.

As for the me vs you, unfortunately that won't happen. I'd love to fight you though, should be fun. Wouldn't be much fun for you now would it?
Oh, come on, now. We all know fighting is a nigger, junglebunny sport. You don't want to compete with me at that. You'd clearly get slaughtered. Shit, me vs you we'd need a group of people just to shout M-M-M-MONSTERKILL!. Black 1, White 0. But I did not imply fighting in my previous post at all. I was talking about a simple comparison of me and you. I clearly come out ahead in every category.

Right, that's a picture of some black junglebunny jumping over some confused white idiot playing a niggers sport. Your point being?
Heh. Funny when you show a picture of black excellence it's becomes a "nigger" thing. That statement above mine is the pinnacle of unintelligence, in case you wanted an example. However, you don't need that. Your whole life is just a random array of unintelligence crammed into a horrendously undersized cranium. You are all the example you need.

Last edited by Demosthenes; 2006-11-13 at 01:59 PM.
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Demosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beDemosthenes seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2006-11-13, 12:42 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Irrelevant. What matters is here and..."
mjordan2nd said:
Irrelevant. What matters is here and now. Why is it that every single suburban white kid wants to be black now days? If we're so damned inferior, why are you (since individuals and races are quite clearly the same thing) so damned gullible buying into the whole thing. Why is it that your white women are so quick to throw themselves at us?
Irrelevant? Ever heard of "history repeats itself"?

There's quite a simple explanation why these confused kids want to be black: propaganda. These kids have been brainwashed into thinking niggers are 'cool'. Just take a look at the music channels these days, that's the trash they're forced to swallow every day.

Furthermore, it's quite obvious that the dumb (may I say stupid?) white children generally tend to be more attracted to the whole 'whigger' scene, as they're simply the easiest to brainwash.

But since we are discussing history, lets look at history. Africa was rather well-off before the white race came in. You turned it into a chaotic mix, not us. In fact, since we're judging races as a whole, the white race as a whole is an imperial plague, infesting everywhere it goes with its own self-righteous, yet at times quite moronic ideas, destroying everything in its path, and then having the audacity to point its finger at others and claiming them as the violent ones.
We turn everything into a mess? Take a look at our western world these days, if it wasn't for the jews it'd be near perfect. Still, fact is our white world is far superior to your black rubbish.

The thing is, black countries simply cannot build anything up. White people have long gone out of Africa, yet you lot still are stuck in the same situation. Fact is you can't build up anything, simply because the White man always did that for you. Yes, thats right: we came into your countries and turned your shitholes into a flourishing country, then the black man comes along and 'claims' it. Result: chaos. Again, history repeats itself.

OH SNAP! You see that. I just took your bigotry and topped it by 2! Black ftw! Oh, and btw, tell your children not to use my "oh snap" phrase. It's quite clearly a "nigger phrase."
Bigotry? Facts you mean. The fact that you have to resort to personal insults should clearly signalise how much of a retard you are, along with the rest of your race.

You want to see some of the best things black can come up with? Me. You can't top that, bitch.
Haha, now there's a good joke. I top you in every possible aspect, you're just too stupid to realise.

Oh, come on, now. We all know fighting is a nigger, junglebunny sport. You don't want to compete with me at that. You'd clearly get slaughtered. Shit, me vs you we'd need a group of people just to shout M-M-M-MONSTERKILL!. Black 1, White 0. But I did not imply fighting in my previous post at all. I was talking about a simple comparison of me and you. I clearly come out ahead in every category.
Haha sure you do, nigger. Fighting a black sport? Take a look at any free style fighting competition, whites dominate it. Besides, I've fought so many fights with your 'brothers' I've lost count. Sure, I haven't always won them but my expierence alone makes you chanceless.

Heh. Funny when you show a picture of black excellence it's becomes a "nigger" thing. That statement above mine is the pinnacle of unintelligence, in case you wanted an example. However, you don't need that. Your whole life is just a random array of unintelligence crammed into an horrendously undersized cranium. You are all the example you need.
Haha, so you're telling me basketball is not a niggers sport? Come on, wake the fuck up.

Using big words might make you sound intelligent, but unfortunately for you you are not. You're just an ignorant little nigger with a good vocabulary, that's all. Do you really think throwing words like 'unintelligence' at people will make them not see your hypocracy?
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Death is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenDeath is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2006-11-13, 07:47 PM in reply to Demosthenes's post starting "Irrelevant. What matters is here and..."
Historically, most people generally do not remember what men have done collectively. A normal person recognizes the accomplishments of the individual. Do you hate mosquitoes? I'm sure Africans (from Africa) spend more of their time worrying about something that really exists (malaria) than if they are "superior" to some other race. I'm sure if you were living under the same circumstances you wouldn't care if you were inferior/superior, you'd just be wanting to survive!
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NonGayMan enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzNonGayMan enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2006-11-06, 02:12 AM in reply to Death's post starting "Here's some more facts for you all: ..."
Our trailers:

Their trailers:

Did I get that right?
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life



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