Obviously I believe it's something that we're born with. Very rarely is one's sexuality a chosen thing. But I'd like to see your opinion and maybe debate the opposing side's view.
But then again, there's that weird statistic that says "For every boy child you have, there's a third more chance that the next boy child is homosexual."
I don't know why... but it might be something to do with being around lads so much that you start to feel attracted to them. There's definitely something happening like that in all Boys/Girls schools - quite a few people who go to single-sex schools turn out homosexual.
Well if you think homosexuality is something that people are born with, then how do u explain, by-sexuality? I think its more choice then anything. That, plus a chemical inbalance in the person's body. (IE- guys have more estrogen which leads them to be more attracted to guys, women have more testostorine (sp) which attracts them to other women) (THis is all what i have been taught, so if i am wrong about something, please let me know and dont bash me to hard)
If you're religious, then no.. homosexuality is definitely a choice. Why would God create homosexuals when it clearly states in the Bible the evils of homosexuality. I'm not that religious.. I don't believe everything in the Bible, I mean it's people telling stories of Jesus, of course things are gonna be exagerated.
BUT, I think homosexuality is a choice. Do you honestly see kids displaying homosexual traits when they're younger? Hardly.
A boy's chances of growing up gay increase with the number of older brothers he has, and the Canadian researcher who spotted the trend a decade ago now believes he is closer to explaining why: It all starts in the womb.
Brock University psychologist Anthony Bogaert first reported in 1996 the startling finding that a boy's probability of growing up gay increases by about one-third with each older brother in his family. It's a subtle phenomenon -- nearly all boys even in large families still grow up straight -- but subsequent research has affirmed that the "fraternal birth order effect" is real.
I believe in what grousome said, because it only makes sense. Eating foods while you are pregnant that contain hormones could do it, like if a cow is given growth hormones.
Environment, up bringing, certain incidents and encounters in ones life at certain stages of development. It may not be the persons choice but it is of a mental nature.