I just watched the first three episodes and I found it hilarious how short kagome's skirt is.
I like it so far, though it could get tiring. I thought Inu-Yasha was a girl at first>.< And that they were cat ears. Netflix! Why are you so slow!?
I don't care, I'm being forced to watch it anyway, I might as well enjoy it. We needed a new 'family show'. What the fuck, I said Full metal Alchemest.
Inuyasha is for chicks or girly guys. I can't stand it.
Well if you're watching anime then, well, you get the idea. Fuckin hypocrites.
I used to watch a few shows before I joined the Army, DBZ(the early ones), Inuyasha, some Gundam series. Like they say the army changes you, and I don't really like anime much anymore. I have a friend who keeps trying to introduce me to new animes that have come out since I've been in the Army but I just can't get into them anymore.
However, the one anime I can still sit down and watch with atleast half enthusiasm is Inuyasha. So hats off, I think it's alright.
My opinion i that Inuyasha beats most other animes hand down. Though the basterds who wrote the eposodes made them too short. Nearly notheing happens in one epasode! the only anime that beats it im my opinion is Naruto