I've seen a lot in the last however long i have been on Zelaron and have yet to see a question Blue Cube did not know the answare to as far as RPG Makers are concerned.Thus the conspiracy theory.......Does Blue Cube actually know ALL ther is to know about RPG Making.......is he the actual creator of the RPGmakers.......is he even human that someone can sommon his very apearance in a thread?The answare remains unknown.Please share your thoughts on this matter.
Blue Cube is just a really helpful person who knows how to use RM2K3. His understanding of RM2K3 functions is not impressive; anybody can learn them all in a few days if they try. Rather his application of his knowledge and his devotion to help others is his true strength.
1. BC is the pwn.
2. He will not show up in this thread (unless to prove that statement wrong).
3. This should not be in the RPGMaker forum, but I'll leave it for the time being in case BC sees it and wants to comment.
4. BC is not a robot. We only have one robot at this forum, and it's our web master.
D3V said:
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What is it they say about silence being golden?
Last edited by Medieval Bob; 2006-06-09 at 06:51 PM.
All this thread is was a joke and an encouragement.For example, The blue cube human statement.This is obviousely known he is a human,I thought about asking if he where a super hero with awsome coding abilities.LOL.So please don't interperate anything I posted on the above as a 'Seriouse matter'.In other threads it was a joke about him knowing all there is to know and even being the maker of the RPG Makers.Thus the reason for posting this thread.A thread that would not only give BC an even bigger name,but encourage other people to ask him for advise.So far he has yet to be wrong on an answare from what I had seen.Pluss I thought that 'ol Blue Cube would get a kick out of it.All his hard work,he ought to have someone bragg a little about his efforts.
4. BC is not a robot. We only have one robot at this forum, and it's our webmaster.
For the record, our webmaster is not a robot. WWU is a CYBORG!
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
Since you kind of made this as tribute to Blue Cube (I think). If I may, I would just like to point out another name worthy of praise, Lenny. He may not always have the answers like Blue Cube, but he always helps however he can.
Since you kind of made this as tribute to Blue Cube (I think). If I may, I would just like to point out another name worthy of praise, Lenny. He may not always have the answers like Blue Cube, but he always helps however he can.
I like the Diplomatic "doesn't always have the answers". And it's true. Compared to BC we are all naught but silly little people.
Methinks he ought to make a game and demonstrate his knowledge. And I'm sure I've mentioned it before... but he hasn't got much time. Does a lot of work, poor man.