If you are a Korn fan or a Dem franchize boyz fan what do u think of the mashup song with both of then in one song mixed up with the song undone by korn and lean wit it by DFB in one song?
White people music is suit for relax and black people's music is for party, club and bar. So, PLEASE, if you ever decide to host a party... spare us and not play and white boy music.
Psh, making it an issue of race. For all you know I could be black, asian, arabic, indian, or any other race you can think up. I know black people that don't like rap ...and many people that like rap first started because it was "cool" where I come from.
I though that korn did a good job in mixing their song with dfb's song but i dont care for dfb i just thought the two songs fit in well with each other. Im a big korn fan and i just liked to see what every one else thought of and why is korn going into rap? korn also had lil john, snoop, and others in their twisted transistor video. why is korn going into the rap area of music?