Well the Pistons are doing very good, after blowing out the Cavs in game 1. However, the NBA has been fucking up the TV schedual with reguards to having that game be in prime time, while the close game was forced to be played at noon pst. Anyone else watching the games?
Well the Pistons are doing very good, after blowing out the Cavs in game 1. However, the NBA has been fucking up the TV schedual with reguards to having that game be in prime time, while the close game was forced to be played at noon pst. Anyone else watching the games?
I'm (was) watching the Lakers, Clippers, Heat and Nets games very closely. I was extremely disappointed that the Lakers did not advance, especially after such a close loss in game 6. Oh well. Lets see how my other teams do.
MAn why the lakers have to lose?! Are the Clippers the next to get eliminated? I think the Suns are playing good basketball these past few weeks. I believe that the Lakers and Clippers weakness against the Suns are the pick and rolls of Steve Nash. Steve NAsh was voted Mvp Again?>This year.
i can't believe the pistons lost yesterday. i also can't believe that i have't watched basketball since the playoffs started. makes me sad. now the pistons have to win 2 games in a role to else they're gone.
Piston's shot like 50% in the first two games. Last three its around 35%, they are choking so bad. Hamilton was like 1-9 in the 4th quarter of the game yesterday.
Meh. I'd just say the Suns and Clippers are pretty evenly matched. I wouldn't say struggling since they are up 3-2, although they might lose the game thats on right now.