Just a quick question...anyone know if Holy Fire and Holy Shock work with minions like skeletons? I know fanatacism and thorns does but....just curious if there was potential for an auramancer with a gear build similar to an auradin or just use lightning alone or something.
Im not sure how well it'd work really as you not only lose the +skills you get from your weapon (though Beast users lose that too) but also from your helm and shield if you do both fire and lightning....so I dont know how tough the minions would actually be but I'd assume the damage must be decent if it does work. (Dream Helm, Dream Shield HoJ and a Dragon Armor I believe it'd be if you used everything). The biggest issue I see is losing the teleport of an enigma so you lose the minion stacking and such but I suppose you can get a +skill amulet with teleport charges if need be...or just go straight lightning and use an enigma along with a beast/Hoto/other wand.
My guess is they do, but its not like anybody duels necros that are summoners. Well, I just sit behind my traps, but its not like youl get a real duel with anybody.
Ive got another project Im finishing off first and then I think I'll try this...worst that happens is it doesnt work and I can trade off the dream/dragon or whatever I make....not a big deal as they tend to be popular these days. if it works I'll post a guide on what I did.
Umm as far as if your minions getting lightning damage i think not. You would still do damage when the auar flashes but your minion's attacks would not recieve the lightning/fire damage. Just think about it do you recieve cold damage from a holy freeze merc?
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
Umm as far as if your minions getting lightning damage i think not. You would still do damage when the auar flashes but your minion's attacks would not recieve the lightning/fire damage. Just think about it do you recieve cold damage from a holy freeze merc?
I don't usually use HF mercs with melee but its a good point and I'll assume by the tone of your post the answer is no. I suspect it probably wouldnt work then...too bad.
Even if it DOES work (not sure if it will or wont, but probably wont), it'd be a very gay build, and If I ever saw one my sorb gear would come on and I'd foh him to hell.