I have been playing the game for the better part of 4 years. Not once, in any act or from any Boss, have I seen a SOJ drop. For an item that just requires cl lvl 29, this is one hard bastard to find. I hear stories from people saying they found one under a rock or in a barrel, but no such luck here...
One ohm rune and IK armor, if that can be considered godly in the sense of how hard it is to get to drop. Oh, but do my characters love that Venom Ward.
On my first day, when I came back from my d2 break, I found a soj, ber, and eth titans..I got lucky that day and seeing that I have mfed over 50+ist runes, I find myself pretty lucky..
A Diablo II Classic/LoD item: Stone of Jordan adds 1-20 lightning damage, +1 all skills, +40 mana, and +20% mana i believe, not sure about the mana parts.