Posted 2004-10-20, 10:21 AM
He he he. Just remembered from an RS lesson about Job in the bible.
Job was, at the time, supposedly the most faithful worshipper of God.
At the regular meeting of spirits (says it in the bible, but in different words) Satan goes to God and says along the lines of: "I bet you your faithful worshipper (Job) won't stay faithful through bad times."
So God gives Satan the power to do with Job, and all he owns, what he will, but he must not hurt him.
SO Satan kills all of Job's animals ('bout 10,000 in all) and his sons and daughters. And Job is heartbroken (becuase of the bad things), but stays worthy.
Next meeting of the spirits, Satan says to God: "I bet he won't stay faithful through illness." And God allows Satan to do as he will, without killing Job.
And Job gets this illness and such. And curses God. And God gives him a rollicking.
And it is funny!
The actual titles of the little things are:
Satan tests Job
Satan tests Job again
and so on, like a book, with an Epilogue at the end.
You ought to read it sometime.