It's on right now on Comedy Central with no edits done to it. Go turn it on!
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Well tonight was also the 25 .. controversial episodes? Or something, I'm kinda dazed, and I think it ends with this movie, but there is more southpark on after the movie so I dunno.
!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
GOD DAMN IT. THe commercials are too fucking long, and the god damn movie plays for only like 5-10 mins at a time.
Ditto , just woke up and strated watching it while trying to catch up on zel, my comp had been down for the past two days and I couldnt come to check up on things.
Eh, I own the movie, so I'm good. I wish CC would start taking advantage of that "we can get away with uncensored movies after 1am" deal and start showing other shit, though.