is it possible to still get into the tourney? didnt realize today was the deadline and i was talking to some friends trying to get them to enter before i did but they didnt want to. so if it is possible i would like to get in on this tourney action on east ladder.
and for my input on the rule the only one i dont really under stand is this one
No Sorceress Teleport skill
i think that sorc's should be allowed to teleport because it is a very balancing skill i mean you cant really expect a sorc to stand still and duel they would be severly hindered if they cant tele.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.
Not if its a charge paladin, my charge paladin kills sorcs easy. And the fact that they do tele around helps the charge skill do more swings and stuns.
true tele does hinder the sorc's potential in dueling but when u do allow the sorc's to tele, they tele like crazy and melee wont even get to them before dieing