I was talking with my friend, who's dad works at blizzard and he has heard that they are going to start charging people to play online, sometime during the summer. He said that since Everquest was making so much money, blizzard wanted some too. They will do some kind of realm whipe and then start it over with people paying. Man i hope that this doesn's happen
money makes the world go round.......now, even the diablo world...... (assholes)......they not only want all our time but also all our money........if they want blizzard can also have my sister......take my sister instead!!!!!!
I wont play if they do that, I dont wanna pay, I do it for fun.
I could see if it was a new game, or like one I hadnt played extensivly.
But GOD.
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when this happens will there be an absolute clean out of all characters?......will i loose my accounts and stuff just like that ......will we all, after loyally playing of the diablo games for many years, get screwed over because blizzard has become money hungery.......and what do we get for all the time and effort we all have put into this game...... do any of you think that this is fear???????????..........wug
I've heard rumors...but it ain't ever going to happen...if it did everyone would go nuts, if d2 was pay to play no reason sc or wc wouldn't be either...like 2million people play these games constantly...i think blizz would lose business since there is all those 3rd party servers (maybe be slower but won't cost so everyone will want to play ) tee hee .... well i'm out lates
the day the clear out all my guys/records/whatever, is thte day i quit those games. Ive worked to hard to get where iam, and i sure as hell dont want to pay money so i get to do it all over agian.
Blizzard is digging its own grave if it does this.
I don't think they can do that, because people bought the games for Free battle.net service. But I don't have the box next to me, so I can't say if it is Free closed battle.net...
11:49 Skurai said:
I don't have to study for math, I'm technically a genius, just don't care to show.
if they do it they will lost more than they win,the most d2 player won´t play it more...
actually you might be suprised at how addicted some people are to this game there would still be quite a crowd of people i would imagine. also blizz has nothing to lose really because this game is so old, so they only have to gain from it. the only real way for them to lose would be to make it so you had to pay to play with all of thier games. because then i would not likely buy another blizz game. if they only make it pay to play for diablo i would probably switch to warcraft 3 FT.
Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills.