Posted 2003-11-27, 03:28 PM
hello, i was wondering what language i should use, i have been using C++ and the best i can do is the name program (the one where you type in your name then it will say your name), c++ confuses me much, but i also am gonna do a project with my friend with darkBASIC, making a game, thats easy exept the graphical things. the book is 60 something bucks, cannot afford. i have around 4 different c++ books and 1 c book. none of them make sense, i have looked for tutorials. what i want to do is make CS mods and diablo2 module (which is c++). and make the game. if you know of any GOOD,(ive found alot of shit ass tutorials) tutorials or what language CS is written in and we're to find the source code, that would help. if hellmonkeys released the golddrop module source code since its patched and patch has came.. it would help lots.