Umpc said:
I was thinking .08 shako, bugged valor but i dont kno what bow to use, i got a clean ith hydra and i was thinkin of mabey putting in 6x perfect emralds, but i dont think that would work, any suggestions?
Seems like you're going to be pubbie dueling~
Well in West, most pubbie sorcs' mercs use the following...
Eth BlackHorn for slowing, Ith Hydra/Crusader/Windforce for KB, 08 valor/ed/max/ias/others.
Choice Fire or Cold arrow.
Cold arrow will deal more physical damage, while
Fire arrow will convert half (or all...I forgot~

) of the physical dmg into fire dmg.
The merc's...Fpa.
IAS Frames per attack
0 % 17
5 % 16
11 % 15
22 % 14
34 % 13
50 % 12
78 % 11
120 % 10
215 % 9
Hydra bow is 0 base speed.
If she wears 160/60ias armor, and socket 2x 40/15ias on WF and Blackhorn, then the merc will shoot at 11 fpa.
Without the Ias armor she'll be at 13 fpa.
Anyway...6x perfect emerald on Ith hydra...personally I wouldn't do that.
Perfect Emerald = Adds 29 (29.3) poison damage in 1 sec
6 Perfect Emerald Ranged Weapon
bd: 882
frame: 1050
Dmg/sec: 86.13
Total dmg: 3617.58 over42
Hope it helps~