here im posting some funny things that i have seen in diablo 2, i will post a screen shot of it and give a discripton of what it is, though thats not realy needed because most of this stuff is self-exsplanitory.
This first one is of a scammer in the chat room who trys to get scammers accounts, its a lame scam and no one would fall for it. i didnt report this guy to blizzard because of how stupid and lame the scam was, he made only one account due to this (i am almost shure of it) and that would be his own account.
This one is of a newbie in action, hes looking in the channel for a legit hex charm. I followed this person awile and found he is a very stupid idoit. If you think you may know him please inform us of who he is.
Again here is the idoit looking for legit hex charms. He was still looking when i got out of the game so i dont think anyone has a legit hex charm, but he doesnt know that.
Does this guy ever stop looking for that charm ?
He just realized that hex charms were hacked and so there not any legit ones. Now hes looking for a legit soj. What a idoit.
The idoit just saw a sammer at a despaite attemt to get someones account. After speaking with him he said "yes, i did wisper him the info to get my rank" but unfortunetly the scammer saw nothing worth stealing and when the scammer loged on was suddenly scared off by people yelling "theres the idoit!" so the scammer left the account to its rightfull owner.
Whats rong with this traiding game ? look realy hard and you will see. This shouldent happen, they thought no one was looking because we were supost to be traiding.
Thanks to blizzard and a little lag they made the game alittle more "child approperiate" for a few seconds but shure enuf he pulled it back out.
Still cant find whats rong ? looked at it for a wile and are still puzzled ? send me a pm and i will tell you what to look at. sorry if the images are down, the stupid host has been having alot of downtime lately.