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Posted 2008-11-19, 04:09 PM
I need help i can't concetrate on my school works. Everytime i want to do a project i do something else like. I get bored easily from one thing jump another thing i get bored again. DOn't know what is going on with me.
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osmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenosmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-11-19, 04:12 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post "concetration"
You and I both know that you think you have ADD, you don't need me or anyone else to convince you of it.
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-11-19, 04:15 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post "concetration"
Try assigning yourself a specific place to sit (e.g. by a desk) that will only be used to take care of homework and other school-related things. If you sit by your computer or recline in your bed, you'll most likely end up surfing the Internet or falling asleep, respectively, as your brain has been trained through repetition to associate those locations with their related activities.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2008-11-19, 04:26 PM in reply to Chruser's post starting "Try assigning yourself a specific place..."
Interesting. I looked up ADD symptoms, and I think they largely overlap INTP traits:

  • Easily distracted; forgetful; daydreaming
  • Procrastination; inability to complete things
  • Disorganization; messiness; clutter
  • Difficulty with making decisions
  • Behavioral or verbal impulsiveness
  • Difficulty with expressing thoughts in speech or in writing
  • Significant periods of depression; low self-esteem
  • A sense of failure; not living up to one's potential
  • A sense of being different, unconventional
  • A sense of internal restlessness; constantly active
  • Difficulty with falling asleep or waking up alert
  • Very sensitive to being told to do something, teasing, criticism, rejection or anger
  • A sense that your mind is always active; thoughts jumping - from one topic to the next
  • Easily bored; intense need for excitement
  • Difficulty with following rules
  • Very impatient; low frustration tolerance
  • Emotionally sensitive; easily upset, depressed, hurt or angered
  • Difficulty with personal or work relationships
  • Frequently late or rushed
  • Difficulty in estimating how much time something will take
  • Impulsive spending and money management problems
  • Personal or family history of substance abuse, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty with reading comprehension or retention
  • Frequently changing jobs, interests or activities
  • Frequently losing or misplacing things
  • Perfectionistic tendencies
  • Strong need to control or have things your way

I experience 20-22 of the 27 symptoms listed.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram

Last edited by Chruser; 2008-11-19 at 04:28 PM.
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2008-11-19, 04:39 PM in reply to Chruser's post starting "Interesting. I looked up ADD symptoms,..."
Just go to the library, or a quiet lounge. Preferably with at least one other person in the room (though not talking to you). I can't do work anymore if I have easy access to anything entertaining, like a computer or television (unless I'm doing math problems, because that's a whole different function).

You should also uh... 'take care of business' beforehand, cause that's a big distraction.
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Xenn shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeXenn shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2008-11-19, 05:03 PM in reply to Chruser's post starting "Interesting. I looked up ADD symptoms,..."
Chruser said: [Goto]
Interesting. I looked up ADD symptoms, and I think they largely overlap INTP traits:

  • Easily distracted; forgetful; daydreaming
  • Procrastination; inability to complete things
  • Disorganization; messiness; clutter
  • Difficulty with making decisions
  • Behavioral or verbal impulsiveness
  • Difficulty with expressing thoughts in speech or in writing
  • Significant periods of depression; low self-esteem
  • A sense of failure; not living up to one's potential
  • A sense of being different, unconventional
  • A sense of internal restlessness; constantly active
  • Difficulty with falling asleep or waking up alert
  • Very sensitive to being told to do something, teasing, criticism, rejection or anger
  • A sense that your mind is always active; thoughts jumping - from one topic to the next
  • Easily bored; intense need for excitement
  • Difficulty with following rules
  • Very impatient; low frustration tolerance
  • Emotionally sensitive; easily upset, depressed, hurt or angered
  • Difficulty with personal or work relationships
  • Frequently late or rushed
  • Difficulty in estimating how much time something will take
  • Impulsive spending and money management problems
  • Personal or family history of substance abuse, depression or anxiety
  • Difficulty with reading comprehension or retention
  • Frequently changing jobs, interests or activities
  • Frequently losing or misplacing things
  • Perfectionistic tendencies
  • Strong need to control or have things your way

I experience 20-22 of the 27 symptoms listed.
holy shit i have about 25 of those.
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osmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenosmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-11-19, 05:20 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post starting "holy shit i have about 25 of those."
You should check out brain augmentation. =X
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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2008-11-19, 05:36 PM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "You should check out brain..."
holy fuck i have 26 of them syptoms
I know you
said not to
deal w/ them
I didn't think
I'm lost and
I'm sorry
They Know
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jamer123 shouldn't have fed itjamer123 shouldn't have fed itjamer123 shouldn't have fed itjamer123 shouldn't have fed itjamer123 shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2008-11-19, 05:47 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post "concetration"
I won't reiterate what Chruser and Xenn suggested, but I will suggest that you need to force yourself to not do your work. Set a goal - once you've done your work, then you can allow yourself time to work on projects. It takes a bit of willpower, but it's worth it.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-11-19, 06:03 PM in reply to Lenny's post starting "I won't reiterate what Chruser and Xenn..."
Lenny said: [Goto]
force yourself to not do your work
I agree!
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2008-11-19, 06:10 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "I agree!"
lol i was just joking about i have chruser sympthoms. Anyway my bro told me to do something i will tried if it worked i will tell you guys.
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osmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenosmoses-jones is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2008-11-19, 07:03 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post starting "lol i was just joking about i have..."
I think I have the Chruser symptom.
"Stephen Wolfram is the creator of Mathematica and is widely regarded as the most important innovator in scientific and technical computing today." - Stephen Wolfram
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Chruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed itChruser shouldn't have fed it

Posted 2008-11-19, 07:08 PM in reply to Chruser's post starting "I think I have the Chruser symptom."
I think we all have that.
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Jessifer read his obituary with confusionJessifer read his obituary with confusionJessifer read his obituary with confusionJessifer read his obituary with confusion

Posted 2009-10-01, 12:45 PM in reply to Chruser's post starting "I think I have the Chruser symptom."
Chruser said: [Goto]
I think I have the Chruser symptom.
Is there a cream for that?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2008-11-20, 05:09 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "I agree!"
Ah. Yes. Hmmm. Erm...


Tell us regardless, osmoses. We all like hearing advice, whether bad or good. If it's really good, we'll even help pass it on to others.
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Lenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basicsLenny simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-01, 08:33 PM in reply to osmoses-jones's post "concetration"
osmoses-jones said: [Goto]
I need help i can't concetrate on my school works. Everytime i want to do a project i do something else like. I get bored easily from one thing jump another thing i get bored again. DOn't know what is going on with me.
I used to have the same problem.
I just finally decided to buckle down and get to work, to be honest. Unfortunately, for me, it might be a little late.

If you do have ADD, you might be hopeless, but if you're like me, and simply don't have interest, then try becoming obsessed with something. That'll lead to personal research, which will lead to more research, which will lead to topic-related-but-not-really-research, which will lead to you finding what you want.
After that, it's all will power.
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-04, 06:18 PM in reply to Skurai's post starting "I used to have the same problem. I..."
Skurai said: [Goto]
I used to have the same problem.. . . try becoming obsessed with something. That'll lead to personal research,. . . which will lead to topic-related-but-not-really-research, which will lead to you finding what you want.
This in  itself  is  actually  a non-trivial claim.
Although it  would be  interesting to  speculate on
what a system  of reasoning would be  like in which
justified inferences were  seperate and independent
of  the application  of the  rules of  a particular
science,  no single science deals with every aspect
of all phenomena.  Therefore, it is of relevance to
the student  (who engages the act  of  research) to
become familiar with the  results of other systems.
Theoretical  overlap  occurs   when  the  topic  of
another  system  deals  in   some  respect  to  the
elements (although  purely cognitive) of  which you
are concerned.  What you are  doing is showing some
concern  with  the  theoretical  foundations  of  a
discipline.  Skurai,  you are right  to think this,
and it's actually very intuitive.
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Mdselctr shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeMdselctr shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2009-10-05, 07:07 AM in reply to Skurai's post starting "I used to have the same problem. I..."
Skurai said: [Goto]
I used to have the same problem.
I just finally decided to buckle down and get to work, to be honest. Unfortunately, for me, it might be a little late.

If you do have ADD, you might be hopeless, but if you're like me, and simply don't have interest, then try becoming obsessed with something. That'll lead to personal research, which will lead to more research, which will lead to topic-related-but-not-really-research, which will lead to you finding what you want.
After that, it's all will power.
Einstein did this.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-05, 07:00 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "Einstein did this."
That explains why three days study got me so far, already.
Mostly all A's, Vice-President, and alot more attention.
I sure do love the school Library...
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness



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