Posted 2004-08-02, 04:52 PM
in reply to Dr. Geekstar's post "Zelaron's Story..."
Once upon a time, a young man lived in an old cottage. He had been taking care of his grandfather for some time now. He never had been to school, but was smart in his own ways. While his grandfather was younger, he had been a very respected general for the British military. But an encounter with a French sorcerer had left him crippled and ill for the rest of his life. The young boy planned revenge, so one day he approached his grandfather asking him to tell him all that he could...
Dr. Geekstar:
..."well" grandfather said; "thats about 40 years ago now, i can't tell you the exact details, but boy o boy i sure remember what happened that horrible day" he puts off his glasses and takes a glass of water from the fontain in the middle of kitchen.
"i had an friend, called Zoleran. One day he asked me if i would go to Mount Orreot with him for..." "whats Mount Orreot grandfather ??" The old man realised this would become more difficult then he planned. "well my boy, ...
"You see...Mount Orreot is a group of mountains in the heart of France. It's a place where they used to hang those they considered of the Devil. Whores, witches, wizards, sorcerers. There was a rumor that they executioners stole their money and hid it in a giant chest. Amassing over 5,000,000 francs! So of course, I said 'Yes' to Zoleran. Besides I said I always wanted to travel to France..."
Dr. Geekstar:
..."what does that have to do with.." "patience my boy... so, next morning we went to Dafradok, a gnomish friend of us, to ask him if he wanted to join us on our journey. Ofcourse he accepted our offer. And so the fellowship started on a journey that would change their lives for good." ...