(07:38:12 PM) FU2News: Hello, sir. May I have a moment of your time?
(07:38:23 PM) Master Kagom: Possibly. What're you selling?
(07:38:23 PM) FU2News is now known as FU2News.
(07:38:38 PM) FU2News: I'm not selling anything! I am just here for a simple interview.
(07:38:50 PM) Master Kagom: For what purpose is this interview and do I know you?
(07:39:06 PM) FU2News: How would you know me, sir? I am a simple interviewer trying to make ends meet.
(07:39:11 PM) FU2News: And the purpose is for africa.
(07:39:23 PM) FU2News: We are trying to raise enough surveys for obama to pay for our cause.
(07:39:38 PM) Master Kagom: What cause is that?
(07:40:02 PM) FU2News: Flyswatters For the Youth. FFY.
(07:40:15 PM) FU2News: We are attempting to get flyswatters for all starving african children.
(07:40:18 PM) Master Kagom: Bully!
(07:40:23 PM) FU2News: Sir?
(07:40:27 PM) Master Kagom: Children need flyswatters.
(07:40:32 PM) Master Kagom: Especially the starving African children.
(07:40:42 PM) FU2News: May I please start my interview?
(07:40:46 PM) Master Kagom: And I meant "bully" in a positive term.
(07:40:54 PM) Master Kagom: Only if you disclose how you came across this username.
(07:41:11 PM) FU2News: I saw you glancing at african american children up for adoption.
(07:41:24 PM) FU2News: And I figured that if you wanted a child, you would like them flyless.
(07:41:30 PM) Master Kagom: I am afraid that you are lying. I have never looked at any child for adoption.
(07:41:45 PM) FU2News: That's not what Mr. Greeks information told me.
(07:41:50 PM) FU2News: You are on his adoption curious list.
(07:42:27 PM) Master Kagom: Yet I have not looked at children for adoption, either leisurely or seriously.
(07:43:08 PM) FU2News: Have you looked at children in general? Perhaps our database dribbles over into child pornography. I am not sure how everything works now a days.
(07:43:39 PM) Master Kagom: I have not. Child pornography is detestable.
(07:44:01 PM) FU2News: Your big words tell me that you are ready for this survey.
(07:44:07 PM) FU2News: May we?
(07:44:41 PM) Master Kagom: Not until you disclose how you came about my username.
(07:44:52 PM) FU2News: I've told you once. I've told you twice.
(07:44:59 PM) Master Kagom: You've not told me the truth.
(07:45:01 PM) FU2News: I only get my information from my boss, sir.
(07:45:29 PM) FU2News: I see that you're a Master?
(07:45:36 PM) FU2News: Does that mean you'd make a good father figure.
(07:45:39 PM) Master Kagom: I am a master of only myself.
(07:45:56 PM) FU2News: I think you'd be a wonderful parent. If you'd only own up to the fact that you're interested.
(07:46:19 PM) Master Kagom: I never said I was disinterested in raising a child, only that I was not looking at adoption.
(07:46:29 PM) FU2News: Is it because they are african, sir?
(07:46:50 PM) Master Kagom: Hardly.
(07:46:54 PM) FU2News: I understand. I don't enjoy purchasing grape soda at my local retail store.
(07:47:36 PM) FU2News: Well, I see this interview is going to come to a close. I hope you have a lovely night. And remember. Nichi`kami`ka is a person too.
