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What do you think?
Posted 2009-10-29, 09:33 AM
The most biased poll ever.


FoxNews Website said:

Would you support health care reform legislation if it did not contain the government-run insurance option?
Here are the answer choices.

Absolutely. Congress should stick to legislating laws and regulations, and let the free-market system work.

I’m still unsure whether reforms will cut my medical bills, but something has to be done.

No. The current health care system works fine. Leave it alone and let the free-market system work.

What the fuck is this bullshit? Whwere is the option for "NO" I won't support the bill without a public option, it is essential to what our country needs. FoxNews is still a fucking laughing stock and anybody that watches and retains their bullshit is seriously incompetent.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-29, 09:49 AM in reply to D3V's post "What do you think?"
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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-29, 10:03 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "/agree"
"this is not a scientific poll"

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-29, 01:02 PM in reply to D3V's post "What do you think?"
I feel bad for you guys big time.

FoxNews just takes this shit to the extreme. They aren't a news source in my mind, the only time I see anything form them is when its on The Daily Show, or when someone links something on a forum as such. Boycott the fuckers.

~ KAMAHAME---Oh shit it's happening again.... ~
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Tyrannicide enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzTyrannicide enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2009-10-29, 03:22 PM in reply to D3V's post "What do you think?"
Fox News is honestly one of my favorite channels. I find it hysterical. I could watch Glenn Beck's insane ramblings for hours. You've got to appreciate any news channel that has no problems pushing opinions off as fact. MSNBC is terrible too, but not quite as bad.
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Mutant Couch shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeMutant Couch shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life
Mutant Couch

Posted 2009-10-29, 04:18 PM in reply to Mutant Couch's post starting "Fox News is honestly one of my favorite..."
As Vice-President of the 11th grade, I go out of my way to make sure my Bias opinions enter the school newspaper every week.

This weeks topic:
Halloween and Christmas.
Holidays, or Orgies?
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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-30, 09:19 AM in reply to Mutant Couch's post starting "Fox News is honestly one of my favorite..."
MSNBC definitely has a bias, but they don't report opinions as fact or just make up polls etc. FoxNews has just gone off the deep end.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-30, 09:31 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "MSNBC definitely has a bias, but they..."
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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2009-10-30, 09:39 AM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "Fauxnews."


!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-30, 09:47 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "http://www.sciencedaily.com/images/2008/..."

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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2009-10-30, 10:17 AM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerd..."


!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-30, 10:56 AM in reply to D3V's post starting "http://media.dorks.com/content/pic/d1032..."

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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2009-10-30, 11:13 AM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "http://artfromtheheart.biz/sitebuilderco..."

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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-30, 11:51 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "http://www.gljakal.com/pad/clocks_promo...."

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Skurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darknessSkurai has an imagination enthroned in its own recess, incomprehensible as from darkness

Posted 2009-10-30, 12:21 PM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "http://artfromtheheart.biz/sitebuilderco..."

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!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics!King_Amazon! simplifies with no grasp of the basics

Posted 2009-10-30, 01:25 PM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post starting "http://craig.f12network.com/microbiology..."


!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-30, 01:28 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "http://images.chron.com/blogs/momhouston..."

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flameviper enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzflameviper enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2009-10-30, 02:06 PM in reply to flameviper's post starting "http://www.freewebs.com/the_intuitive/11..."


!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
Profile PM WWW Search
D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences

Posted 2009-10-30, 02:24 PM in reply to D3V's post starting "http://connecticuthuntingtoday.com/blog/..."

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-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution-Spector- is the result of 14 billion years of hydrogen atom evolution

Posted 2009-10-30, 02:27 PM in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "http://s3.amazonaws.com/adaptiveblue_img..."


!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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D3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidencesD3V is convinced there are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences


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