Posted 2003-08-03, 08:27 AM
in reply to D3V's post "God's Set plan for Me"
D3V said:
I believe that I will do something great one day, I am working on an invention which creates free-energy, I know that nobody in here knows about free energy because its way over your heads, so I'll stop. Either that, and he sent me to pis the world off.
Actually I worked on a perpetual motion device for a few weeks in Junior Physics. I'm going to have to believe that you weren't referring to a perpetual motion device, as you didn't know what it was called. Besides, other than the very, very theoretical, never-to-be-built perpetual motion device, there is no other "free energy." So stop trying to sound like a fucking genius D3V.
D3V said:
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What is it they say about silence being golden?