Posted 2009-10-20, 02:27 PM
A friend of mine in Massachusetts is trying to help me get a job (that I would have to relocate to, but gladly) where he works at an office. It's a pretty cool gig from what I've been told. It's salary (30k a year), medical and dental after 3 months, plus his boyfriend's dad owns their apartment building and said he could help me get a place. Plus I'd be next to a few community colleges, so I could do night school and classes on Saturdays and there's local community theaters I could audition at.
Well, I called up the office. Got a hold of the guy and to start, I nearly called him by my friend's name. I caught myself and didn't make the mistake. Well, he's kind of in a hurry it seems and then tells me I called him in the middle of a meeting. Shit. Tells me he'll call me back and wants me to e-mail my resume to him, so I do. Goes fine until I notice the subject header AFTER I sent it. I mistyped "Hello" as "Hell" with my name in the subject. At least I didn't title my resume document as something as stupid.
Man, I got a laugh out of all this, but it made me feel hella stupid.
