I'm doing a report on something, and I keep coming across the "Illuminati", but nothing the internet presents to tell me what the word means makes sense...
Can someone explain what Illuminati is/means/does?
Irregardless of whether they do or do not exist, any information about the Illuminati you may find will have been heavily influenced by Dan Brown. As a subject, it ranks second only to World Trade Centre Conspiracy Theories in terms of the bullshit you'll find.
Which subject are you writing a report for, and what are the guidelines?
EDIT: Don't tell me you're doing a book report on Angels & Demons.
As in the history of bank notes throughout the world (starting with the Chinese and merchants using slips of paper whilst physical coinage was kept with a reputable person, to the Spanish seige of Leyden, those issued by the Stockholmes Banco, and so on) or the recorded introduction and usage of bank notes in America?
And the Nazi party... right... which bit of the Nazi party? If you're writing a report on the Nazi party, then you're going to be there for years.
It might just be me, but 'paper money' and the Nazi party don't seem terribly... I suppose the word I'm looking for is "linked". Or "related", or even "part of the same subject". Though I suppose you could argue 'paper money' as part of History, rather than Economics.
The invention of paper money.
Sort of like when I ran around looking for bovious.
Well, if Illuminati had some sort of influence on (blah blah blah) then it's possible that (blah blah blah) and that's why the two are linked, Lenny.
I'm afraid that there is far too great a temporal distance between the two for you to find a probable link.
Looking for a link between the Illuminati and the Nazis, there are only two possibilities that make sense. Since the Illuminati are assumed to be the present world shadow government and the Nazis lost the war to the current scheme of Illuminati puppets, that would put the Nazis as anti-Illuminati. For the Illuminati to have been controlling the losing side, either they were used as a distraction or lesson to weaken an opposing regime, or they were controlled by an offshoot of the Illuminati in a bid for power.
So now, you have to find a reason that they foresaw either of these scenarios thousands of years ahead and introduced paper money to aid in that endeavor.
So now, you have to find a reason that they foresaw either of these scenarios thousands of years ahead and introduced paper money to aid in that endeavor.
Well, shit. Find him a shovel after tearing him a new one, he'll be digging for years.
All in favor of WW becoming the new Illuminati leader?
I don't suppose there's a link between Nazi's, paper money, and the Illuminati. Unless of course, the Illuminati got sick of waiting for society to evolve and went back into time and taught those dirty Chinese about currency. The one's stuck in the past (basing time travel off of terminator rules) actually evolved into the Nazi's of WWII.