Yes, I have purchased a Playstation 3. I am in love with the graphics thus far, and the gaming is unimaginable. I will get to that at another time. As for Madden 2010, the jump from PS2 Madden '08 and into PS3 and Madden 2010 is gargantuan. The graphics at the loading screen are amazing, the previews and little highlights from the previous Superbowl are spectacular.
Gameplay has changed a bit, simple controls like sprint on Offense has changed to R2 and there is a new feature when you are running towards the end zone in front of others where it will zoom in on your player and gives you a much more realistic point of view, very fun.
Online gameplay has been super simplified. There are more minigames available online now, and of course regular play. You can also have an online franchise this year (new feature) which lets you create or go with a professional team through all the steps during the offseason. You can make your team better and then load it online and play against others who have done the same thing. Interesting concept, and I like it!
I would definitely recommend this game to anyone, obviously, it's Madden. Nothing too major of an upgrade, but the fact that I am now playing it on PS3 compared to PS2 is enough to make me blow a wad, so my joyfilled posts may have something to do with such fine gaming equipment.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]