Basically, as some of you might know and as some might not. There is three phases to BCT (Basic Combat Training). Red, White, Blue (there is another phase called "Graduation Phase" but it doesn't really count)
Red Phase is basically hell. It is where you are more worthless then shit. You are just allowed to breath, you have no say in any matter and you are best off just sitting back shutting up and taking it like a make. Red phase is group smoking (basically getting made to do push-ups and w/e else they see fit)
White Phase is where you begin to earn some respect, they respect that you have made it this far, you are still worthless but are allowed some freedom. The Drill Sergeants take a back seat and let the PG (platoon guide) lead the group. The PG and Squad Leader's are mainly held accountable for individual's fuck ups.
Blue phase is where you matter. Drill Sergeants relax and you stop getting smoked. You basically wake up do your training and go to sleep. You're not so worthless at this point.
My BCT went; Red > White > Red > Graduation. So we actually completely skipped Blue Phase which is odd.
I did really well at BCT, never got myself smoked or my platoon. The only issue I had was being in such bad shape. PT was incredibly hard for me, and i struggled all cycle. I failed almost every PT test, including the EOC APFT (End of Cycle Army Physical Fitness Test). I was allowed a retake where I passed.
pushups - 57%
situps - 70%
2mr (mile run) - 52%
For BCT passing grade is 50% in each category. In AIT passing is 60% in each, so I still have some work to do.
I am on a MI Base, so most anything I do here is secret and I can't talk about it which is weird. I am a 35M (Human Intelligence Collector). We don't really know when class is going to start. We have heard from people who have been here that some have waited as long as 4 weeks to start. If thats the case I will get pushed over to Echo company and their 2 man dorms
