Posted 2009-04-06, 11:04 AM
in reply to -Spector-'s post "What does this word mean?!?!"
1. Define Real - The state of being. (that's all...)
2. Define Love - Love is elation, uncertainty, pain, excitement, anxiety, optimism, pessimism, curiosity, worry, nervousness, joy, neediness, contentedness, anger, amusement and every other emotion in the human spectrum being felt towards any one (or more) person(s).
3. Define Time - Never ending. Continuous. The only constant.
4. Define Normal - Normal doesn't exist. One persons norm isn't nessesarily the same for another person.
5. Define Thought - Ideas, events, possibilities, etc being played out in ones mind.
6. Define Truth - Truth doesn't exist either. As with normal, it's not the same for every person.