There's a typo in that fortune. Find it.
So I got completely wasted Friday night, and was having a great time up until my friend Sumi made the comment to my sister that "You need to find your sister a man. She's a great woman." Well, apparently my inebriated state decided that I've heard that comment one too many times because that took my mood from bubbly and laughing down to serious and out of it in no time. So much of a difference that another friend of mine on the other side of the table, we were sitting about five people away from each other, noticed and texted me thinking I was going to be sick. I informed her that that wasn't the case, and I got up and motioned for her to follow me.
Long story short, I had a "woe is me" moment in the handicap stall in the bathroom (I like to think of it as her returning a favor for me, as she did this once at work when she was having an especially hard day in management), and she's made it her personal mission to find me a guy. I left shortly after, as the crying actually did make me sick. I'm honestly not sure whether or not to be afraid, because I apparently already have a date set up... was a great night, save for the last half hour.
