Posted 2007-09-19, 12:45 PM
in reply to D3V's post starting "If you can prove to me that Republicans..."
Yes, D3v, every single person in the very large group of republicans in our country is a moron.
Generalizations and stereotypes do nothing but make you look like an idiot. Yes, some republicans are morons. Yes, some democrats are morons. Yes, some libertarians are morons.
You could make a list of generalizations for any group and apply it to any other group.
For instance, some stereotypes of black people:
It is true that some black people are those things, but it's also true that some white people are all of those things, some mexicans, etc.
So yeah, I just proved to you that Republicans aren't morons. Not all of them, anyway. Until you meet every single Republican in existence, you're wrong.