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Question Griswold set Ideas
Posted 2004-04-16, 02:24 PM
Well much to my surprise I killed Thresh Socket last night with my lameass 31 mf zon and he drops a Griswolds Cadeucus on me. Now I have the complete set and want to use it. I already have three 40/15 jewels for the weapon and was wondering about what to put in the 8 other open sockets. I am fine on IAS and resists and was thinking about boosting defense and mf mostly. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Doofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzDoofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2004-04-16, 02:38 PM in reply to Doofus_AW's post "Griswold set Ideas"
Socketing the Shield with Pdiamonds will give you almost max resits in hell (along with the set bonuses). For the helm and armor I socketed mine with IO runes. The result was +50 to vitality, along with the +35 from Verdungos I was running around with close to 1400 life before BO. I have seen people drop Topazes in there for MF but itÂ’s really up to you.
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kockblocker1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenkockblocker1 is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-16, 03:34 PM in reply to Doofus_AW's post "Griswold set Ideas"
Doofus_AW said:
I am fine on IAS and resists and was thinking about boosting defense and mf mostly.

So obviously, PDiamonds are not the best option. Life and MF... Ist's and Io's? I don't know, haven't played in a while, I was just surprised to see you post!

Upgrade Armor and throw Pul's in that bitch for mass loads of Def maybe?
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2004-04-16, 04:42 PM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "So obviously, PDiamonds are not the..."
Titusfied said:
I don't know, haven't played in a while, I was just surprised to see you post!
Been insanely busy at work but I am still around New girlfriend keeping my joystick busy too
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Doofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzDoofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz

Posted 2004-04-16, 09:55 PM in reply to Doofus_AW's post starting "Been insanely busy at work but I am..."
Try shael runes for hit recovery and faster block.
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badboy is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenbadboy is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-16, 10:24 PM in reply to Titusfied's post starting "So obviously, PDiamonds are not the..."
Titusfied said:
Upgrade Armor and throw Pul's in that bitch for mass loads of Def maybe?
Can't upgrade Set items.

Pul runes may be worthwhile in the Armor, it would really depend on if the +Def from Griz armor is factored before %ED, (Like +max in a weapon is counted toward weapon total). I think it would count like that. A perfect (950) DEF Griz armor with 3x Pul would be 1805 DEF.

Edit: I don't think Shael's for a faster block rate would be effective at all, with the inherent 65% from the shield itself, and Holy Shield also gives a Block Rate boost.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-16, 10:27 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "Can't upgrade Set items. :( Pul..."
What would you suggest putting in the caddy besides 40/15's? Any certain runes or other jewels?
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HandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2004-04-16, 11:06 PM in reply to HandOfHeaven's post starting "What would you suggest putting in the..."
You really only need like 45% IAS Zealing with Fanaticism to reach 4FPA Zeal. Most of that is on the Weapon. I'd go with 2x Ohm or 2x 40/15 Max in the weapon, and maybe a Jah just to blow away normal monsters, or a Lo rune for Deadly Strike.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-16, 11:08 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "You really only need like 45% IAS..."
4x 40/15 max would be your best bet in the wep, try to get a ton of FHR ( don't remember if the build supplies any )
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`Insolence` is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between`Insolence` is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-16, 11:12 PM in reply to `Insolence`'s post starting "4x 40/15 max would be your best bet in..."
Actually I would go with 2 40/10 MIN, and 2 40/15 Max now that I think about it. I would rather have certain damage rather than chance damage, although you have 5 chances to get the highest damage in a zeal.
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HandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beHandOfHeaven seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2004-04-16, 11:26 PM in reply to HandOfHeaven's post starting "Actually I would go with 2 40/10 MIN,..."
The Caddy has a good min/max ratio to begin with. I would go with ED%/Max jewels over ED%/Min.

`Insolence`: The full set grants 30% FHR. If he's rolling Bloodfist, that's 60%, which isn't bad (5FPA Recovery). If he wants a 4FPA recovery, he could put on a few charms (86% is next breakpoint).
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-17, 08:22 AM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "The Caddy has a good min/max ratio to..."
my only ladder char IS a gris-pala!
ias is not makis NO dfference!!!

ur attackSpeed can not be faster, u need 120(or 130, i forgot it) to get into the next frame rate!!!

i thought thats silly... 5 hits/sec is ok....(with 8k dmg hrhr)

--> 2 LO in weapon 1 JAH +ed/max
I needed a Um in the shild!! hmm, and I would give a Cham into it, so u can forget raven and use a buls with 5%ll

I socked the armor with 15+maxdmg juws (3 socks==> 3*30maxdmg)
about the rest i am not sure, and the 2 LO runes costed 2 much.. so I got poor...

u need a lot of maxdmg charms in ya inventory and the set rules everyone.

i only got 1k life, its ok!!!!

i use string with %dmg reduce.
draculs gloves, and WT for dmg!

2LO runes in weapon makes 40% double dmg!!!!
amu= highlords= 36% double dmg --> 76%
so i make 10,5k average dmg / hit!
i think its quite ok, regarding that the bug for zeal with double dmg COULD still work.
52500 dmg makes also baal dying soon!

and i got 4 available socks for free in my set (4 are left, i think thats better english for understanding...)

a anni rules for gris set, using fana and zeal

i think the only thing would be nice to increase the blockrate or speed of blocking, somehow...

i've got sooo much fun with my gay pala... hes a monster, but the 4 fcking dolls are killing me!, and the fcking iron maiden shit 2 ....

with 0-119ias u got 5 fps!...... (i forgot to metion!)

Last edited by celaron; 2004-04-17 at 08:24 AM.
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celaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweencelaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-17, 09:39 AM in reply to celaron's post starting "my only ladder char IS a gris-pala!..."
120-130 IAS for 4 FPS is not very hard to achieve. Some good suggestions up there though.
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Titusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to beTitusfied seldom sees opportunities until they cease to be

Posted 2004-04-17, 10:08 AM in reply to celaron's post starting "my only ladder char IS a gris-pala!..."
celaron said:
ur attackSpeed can not be faster, u need 120(or 130, i forgot it) to get into the next frame rate!!!
You only need ~45% IAS to hit 4FPA with a base -10 weapon (Caddy) with a lvl 19-20 Fanaticism. I don't know where the hell you got 120% IAS...
Maybe you're thinking for a base 20 weapon...

The +max damage in your armor does you little good, as it adds to your OVERALL max damage, not your max weapon damage.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-17, 10:37 AM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "You only need ~45% IAS to hit 4FPA with..."
ur right!!!!

40 ias and u got next frame lvl!!!!!!!!

more than 40 is not possible (u will not get into the next frame lvl gg)

i looked it up: u need 37ias exactly!

--> then i will sock 3 ias jewls into another armor....
fck, a 26maxdmg jewel was in the armor, but i do not want to sock helmet and shild now...

thx !!!!!
that will make 6.2 attacks/sec for my pala --> i'll edit the new dmg

Last edited by celaron; 2004-04-17 at 10:50 AM.
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celaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweencelaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-17, 11:36 AM in reply to celaron's post starting "OMG ur right!!!! 40 ias and u got..."
celaron said:
that will make 6.2 attacks/sec for my pala --> i'll edit the new dmg
Um, Zeal only does 5 attacks, ergo, you're still only truly getting 5FPA (As it takes us slow humans a few frames to re-click Zeal).

The bonus for being 4FPA, is that it will help overcome block rates.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-18, 01:20 AM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "Um, Zeal only does 5 attacks, ergo,..."
? hold ya klick for multiple hits ?
? use alt and shift for playing ?

the 5 hits from zeal, are not really 1 sec, ur faster, so if u're standing in front of baal, and hold ya mouse klicked on him (attacking) you will hit him 6.2/sec
so in a sec you do 1 complete zeal attack, and the secondone starts and hits once(from 5) and the 2nd hit starts......

however, i need some maxdmg charms now into my inventory....
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celaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweencelaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-18, 01:27 AM in reply to celaron's post starting "? hold ya klick for multiple hits ? ?..."
Even if you hold it, it takes the game longer than 4 frames to restart the Zeal sequence. Just watch him when he does it.

Also, max damage charms really aren't worth it anymore. If you have 10x +14 max dmg GC's and 10x +3 max dmg SC's, you're only adding 170 max damage to your final damage. I'd rather have something more useful.
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Vollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in lifeVollstrecker shows clear signs of ignorance and confidence; the two things needed to succeed in life

Posted 2004-04-18, 01:49 AM in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "Even if you hold it, it takes the game..."
170 max damage * about 700 or so ED... adds up?

1200 dmg by my count, that is a LOT of damage
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`Insolence` is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between`Insolence` is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between

Posted 2004-04-18, 03:54 AM in reply to `Insolence`'s post starting "170 max damage * about 700 or so ED......"
3 max dmg--> 38dmg finally (i tested it )
so 170 maxdmg would add finally 2153.3333 maxdmg
thats 1+k average dmg/hit !!!

zeal+fana+ed stuff makes for me more than 1k%ed =)
(dmg from sc's*12,66!!!!)

hm, and if there are some nice @'s on the charm, like +skills (kk than maxdmg would be the @)
or str!!!!!! than u even got more dmg, or life or whatever....

so i think it's worth.... ;but just my thought;
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celaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweencelaron is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between


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