Posted 2003-08-10, 07:13 PM
in reply to "angel" of war's post "patriot\fanatic"
Yes I totally agree, I belive that the government is too power-hungry over us, I KNOW that they are keeping information from us, and they have too much power over us, they say that we are free? Thats a load of shit, we can't do anything fun without getting in trouble. I belive that the government made up ciggeretts and they outlawed other drugs that other countries make money off of. We are a monopoly to the rest of the world, we are wanting to be the greatest, so how do we do that? We go to war and kill off anybody who doesn't like what we do, and we take over their contry, threaten to kill them if they don't agree with us, and then 'liberate/brainwash' them.
Look at the war in iraq, you always hear about 1 us soldier killed/wounded in combat today, you don't hear about the 1000 iraqis being killed every day. I read on a site that we have killed 13,647 people so far, thats ridicouls, and people think the iraqis flew the planes into the trade centers, it was supposively al-qadea. But whatever, can't argue with a one-sided battle. The governemt has us by a leash and we haven't realized it yet.
Another thing is the weapons of 'mass destruction' we went in there knowing that they had all of these weapons, and they were going to kill us anyday now, but we don't have any proof anymore, whast up with that? false acusation?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]