Jeep and Video-Gamer TV Network G4 Drive Home Major Marketing Deal
By G4
Jun 3, 2003, 07:05
Jeep Brand to Present G4's G-Phoria Event Featuring Video Games, Music, Celebrities and First 'Glow Awards'
Jeep Also Creates Exclusive Commercial Spot for G4's Audience
LOS ANGELES, June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- G4(R), the TV network all about video games and the gamer lifestyle, and Jeep(R) brand have formed an integrated marketing and programming partnership, aligning the auto maker with G4's two premier programming events: "E3," the video game industry's annual trade show, and G4's upcoming signature programming tentpole, G-Phoria. In addition, the Jeep brand has created a special commercial to run exclusively on the G4 network. The alliance was announced today by Dale Hopkins, senior vice president, distribution and sales, G4.
"There is a video game revolution taking place -- the 'gamer generation' is the leading trend influencer in the marketplace and is driving pop culture," said Hopkins. "The Jeep brand has a history of leveraging the video game industry and has now decided to target the 'gamer generation' by creating a commercial that speaks directly to this audience, and by partnering with G4 on our two key programming events: G-Phoria and E3."
G-Phoria will take place in Hollywood on July 30, and bring together hundreds of artists, game developers, publishers, writers, and gamers for an evening featuring top-name musical acts, interactive game stations, celebrity interviews, and the unveiling of G4's first video game "Glow Awards," honoring the best games of the last 12 months.
"Currently, 155 million people play games -- more than 60% of the U.S. population," said Jeff Bell, vice president, Jeep, DaimlerChrysler Corporation. "We know there are major opportunities that exist with gamers and we started communicating with them a couple of years ago, with our own Jeep games. It's true that gamers play in a virtual world, but that world is far from static. We are constantly looking at automotive marketing in new ways -- leveraging existing opportunities, creating new ones and exploring the future. A relationship with G4, and a TV commercial that speaks to gamers in their own language, was the natural next step for the Jeep brand in the video game arena."
Jeep will be integrated into G4's six hours of G-Phoria-specific programming, as well as sponsor the "G4 Legend Award." Programming includes:
-- Achieving the Glow -- Five 30-minute specials airing throughout the
summer that lead up to the live event, each focusing on a different
aspect of the show: Musicians, Actors, Athletes, Game Developers and
-- Pre-Phoria -- a one-hour special featuring Glow Award nominees
-- G-Phoria Special, a 90-minute show airing August 8 and featuring
highlights of the July 30 live event
-- G-Phoria Wrap-Up Special -- a one-hour program to air on G4's news
program, Pulse
The Jeep presence at G-Phoria will include vehicles on site at the Hollywood venue, as well as a G4-branded customized Wrangler, which will then travel to various events throughout the year.
About G4
G4 is the Comcast-owned 24-hour, seven-day-a-week television network dedicated to the world of video games. Targeted to young adults 12-34, G4 is committed to creating a lifestyle brand that is the premier source of entertainment, news and information about electronic games, including video, computer, online and wireless platforms. G4 currently has distribution to approximately 10 million digital cable homes on Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications, Insight and Mediacom systems.
The biggest title will be "Game of the Year"
The following games have been nominated
Metroid Prime(Nintendo Gamecube)
Grand Theft Auto Vice City(Playstation.2)
Tom Clancy's Splintercell(Xbox)
Battlefield 1942(PC)
Animal Crossing(Nintendo Gamecube)
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