StonedVegeta said:
Ah fighting monkies. That brings back horrible horrible memeories from the zoo. Oh wait, your talking about games. Okay.......Oh the monkies. Why oh why the monkies?
Oh yeah, and ps. I just bought a PS2, and the first game I bought and played was FFX. I beat it in 47 hours. It was freakin awesome. Except the endind. Last battle was way too easy. No challenge. Then the true ending where Tidus goes away. Talk about a build up. It was noting like I expected. I expected a lot more from the ending. I just hope FFX-2 is as good as the first, but with a better ending.
Haha, I beat the boss of FFX in two hits without taking any damage.... speaking of easy

The monster arena is hard as hell though.
And about FF8 and FF9... I thought FF9 rocked but FF8 was pretty bad.