I thought it was pretty bad ass! Full Metal Jacket is more of a boot camp movie rather than war movie, but still a good one at that. We Were Soldiers is definitely the best war movie I've seen to date too.
i agree, i love the movie We were soldiers, it's real good, and it's got a hella lot of suspense... crazy assed movie... specially when the deathcab drives by the house and knocks at the door of the chick with a bunch of death certificates... or something.. well... it's really suspenseful. 9.5 out of 10 for me.
It was with Mel Gibson as the leading Colonel in Vietnam War. Not much mroe to explain about it, other than it showed both sides of the struggle, not just America's. It was just crazy to see everything the way they depicted it. I heard it got reviews from people that were there and was very accurate. Now thats what really got me into it when I watched it.
Very brutal at times. Definitely not a movie for the weak at heart.