I've enjoyed reading about some of the battles in which
Gustavus Adolphus was a military commander on the Protestant side. He's certainly no Napoleon, Scipio, or Genghis Khan, but how can you not like someone who looks like (an arguably considerably less rotund version of) Baron Harkonnen?
Actually, there's another
Adolph(us), also a Swedish monarch, who may have been a more suitable choice for an IRL version of the Baron:
Wikipedia said:
The king [Adolph Frederick] died on 12 February 1771 after having consumed a meal consisting of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, kippers and champagne, which was topped off with 14 servings of his favourite dessert: semla served in a bowl of hot milk. He is thus remembered by Swedish school children as "the king who ate himself to death."
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