Ok, lets just say i met a very special girl.. and i really loved her, but enough of the pussy talk.. some fucked up shit went down and i need some opinions on it. Me and my girl were together for about a month right.. things were going good as hell.. i swear i luvd her and wud do anything for her, our last nite together was the 4th of july... then she had to go to Mississippi to visit family and stuff.. i live in MN this girl actually called me.. from there i was like damn! anyways.. we cudnt wait to see eachother when she got back.. but we couldnt see eachother rite away.. couple weeks went by we still dint see eachother, then 3 days ago she sais she just wants to break up.. now im thinkin everything i ever went through with this girl (and believe me it was alot) and told this girl just goin to fuckin dust! Im thinkin there has to be a reason i still talk to her all the time, were tite as hell but were not 2gether no more im thinkin its some other guy.. but that really dont seem possible after the stuff shes told me.. dunt think u wud understand anyways i needed to get this shit off my chest its been tearin me up inside.. these females make u hurt..