Interstate highway rest areas
Posted 2022-01-20, 06:45 AM
Since the pandemic, I’ve been driving long distances far more frequently than I used to. I’ve noticed that some states, like Tennessee and Virginia, have lots of rest areas on the interstates, while other states, like Mississippi and Louisiana, have only welcome centers near their borders. Mississippi does have one stopping area and another that has been long closed. Since these rest areas are for safety, not just for convenience, this situation seems odd. Inevitably, for drivers, the options are to hold on hundreds of miles until the next one, or to stop at a restaurant or gas station. I know that many people have no issue stopping at a business and leaving without even considering buying something, but this makes me uncomfortable.
What do you think? Should there be more interstate highway rest areas? Are businesses that provide you rest from your journey entitled to your purchase of goods to help cover costs?