Posted 2012-10-13, 08:32 AM
in reply to S2 AM's post starting "You missed our exploits in the..."
It was actually really fun, it doesn't have the same maneuverability as the choppers since it doesn't really yaw, and it flies like a boat. I'd generally drop our squad off in a safe zone and then fly up and observe and call out enemy positions. One was real funny it went like this:
Me over comms nearly verbatim:
"There's a vehicle, it's moving down the runway to the... I guess south end? The opposite end from you. He's next to those Hangars with the Chinooks. It looks kind of like a technical maybe, I'm not sure at this altitude its hard to tell"
[long pause]
"He's stopped by the small building by the hangars and he's gotten out... He's going around the back... maybe getting a rifle from the gear ...
[at this point I think he's spotted my teammates on the ground and is switching gear in order to snipe at them]
"Wait... he's getting on the back? - oh shit, ya, ya that's a gun on the back - he's on the... oh shit he's shooting at ME"
[As tracers fly by me, some rounds impact the hull. I up the flaps, the gear, and drop altitude in order to gain speed as quickly as possible to transform the Osprey-22 into plane mode. I get away, but the Osprey-22 smokes from the engines for the rest of the time we have it. Needless to say I observed from a higher altitude and with much more caution after that]
