Posted 2012-03-08, 04:21 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post "Zelaron needs an overhaul"
Call of duty forums!!!
Change the name of the forums from "Zelaron Gaming Network" to "Zelaron Gaming Forums"
I can do SEO for us for free if you want.
I just did an analysis for SEO on Zelaron, and it's fucking terrible. No wonder we're not getting any good traffic or new members.
For the least part, change the SERP title and description from:
This is a cool place to hang out and talk about computers, computer games, and life
Zelaron Gaming Forums
Zelaron Gaming Forums is one of the best forums for video games, computer games, and any other gaming discussion.
Since this is a gaming forum, we're trying to target the "Gaming Forums" keyword. When someone searches "gaming forums" on Google, Yahoo, etc. Zelaron will not show up AT ALL because the keyword is no where to be found in the SERP title or description the way it is now.
I'm pretty sure if you change just that we'll see alot more people in here, this forum is aged and shouldn't have a problem with popping up within the Top 10 results for that search phrase.
I'll write up some more tips later. I'm at work right now.

Last edited by kaos; 2012-03-08 at 04:42 PM.