You can also get them by pre-ordering from gamestop. It's easy and painless, and since most of you will likely be buying the game anyways, I suggest this method. I've done it already so it's legit - the only problem on my end is that my system can't really handle the game too well so I will probably buy a gaming desktop after finals
Played a 1v1 as terran, stomped the other guy and actually didn't destroy him entirely. I sat there talking to him about the game for about an hour while each of us built units and explored the new tech trees and such (he was protoss). I was surprised to find out that he never played the first Starcraft until a few days before he played the beta for SC2. I didn't think there'd be anyone on the beta that wasn't an SC junkie. The new battlenet deserves a mention as it's pretty slick too. Anyhow, if you really want to play it only takes a day or so to get your key via e-mail and then the download is ~1.5 GB + patches.
Oh and hey if either of you get those two keys and still pre-order(thereby having an excess key) I could use it. Once finals are over I'd like to play with my cousin who is a cheap ass and likely won't pre order.

Last edited by S2 AM; 2010-04-28 at 10:26 AM.