Posted 2008-04-21, 03:12 PM
Yes, I am suggesting that we have a story contest.
I feel this as being a noble idea, where everyone who wants to can take in on the events. Now, there are basically two ways that we can do this (both I feel should be openly judged).
Option 1
We have an open topic story, it needs to remain under 1000 words, and has to stay on topic. The writer can choose to write about anything, the story just has to remain in somewhat of context to it is that they're talking about.
Option 2
The next option is that we could have a series of opinions/topic ideas pool'ed together, and go from there. The main reasons for this contest is to bring out the creativity of the members here, and hopefully everyone get a good laugh. I'd love to see another "Trip to Chruser's house" type of story that is in good detail, and that everybody can get a good chuckle out of, that's the main reasoning behind the contest.
Option 3
We have 2-3 groups of people that are wanting to enter into the contest, and come up with 2-3 topics of which the people in each group have to abide by. This would be a fun example of what teacher's get to read being that the same topic is being discussed and written from several different points of view.
I really think this could be fun, the outline of the whole thing is a bit sketchy, but it just came to me and I figured i'd throw it out there to see what everyones thought's on it are, and hell we could maybe even throw in some sort of prize for the judged winner, such as a free loser'ing to the person of their choice for a week, or something of that nature.
What do you guys think?

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]