Mulesing is the surgical removal of a strip of wool-bearing wrinkle skin from around the tail of a sheep. Mulesing is illegal in Britain but is common practice in Australia.
Mulesing is performed as a way to control flystrike in areas where flies which cause cutaneus myiasis are a serious problem.
The loose free skin is surgically removed, in a single cut, with no effect on underlying muscle tissue. The non-wooled skin which is around the anus (and vulva in ewes) is pulled out as the cut heals and results in a smooth area that does not get fouled by excreta or urine.
Well it depends on where in the FedEx system you'll be working. I was at a hub (giant warehouse) where I loaded 18 wheelers. Sure it got me in shape, but it was either too cold or too hot, never in between, the work was so fucking boring I thought I was gonna die. I didn't even really have the oppurtunity to talk to other people while working. Not something I would neccessarily recommend.
KagomJack said:
My girth isn't anything to bitch and moan about in long, elaborate paragraphs.
Well it depends on where in the FedEx system you'll be working. I was at a hub (giant warehouse) where I loaded 18 wheelers. Sure it got me in shape, but it was either too cold or too hot, never in between, the work was so fucking boring I thought I was gonna die. I didn't even really have the oppurtunity to talk to other people while working. Not something I would neccessarily recommend.
Oh, well that's great because I'm also working at a hub. It's called "The Hub" - pretty clever. Fuck it, I'm sure it can't be worse than Taco Bell.
at l;east at taceo bell you have intereaction with other people!Q
Haha, drunk ass.
Yeah I get to interact with shitty customers that complain because one little fucking leaf of lettuce is in their taco and they ordered it with no lettuce. Remake it, goddamnit! they say.
Every day I clock out of Taco Bell I'm more depressed then when I went in.