First off, let me start by saying I'd appreciate receiving no smart-ass replies. I am writing this to blow off some steam, and would not like getting any such replies. Supportive replies, intelligent replies, coherent replies are perfectly welcome, and even anticipated.
I was driving home from work, I had gotten about 2-3 hours of sleep sunday afternoon, then went to work sunday night, which is my monday, since I work graveyard my monday is sunday night & monday morning, my tuesday is monday night and tuesday morning, etc. Anyhow, it was about 7:30 I think, I was driving home, just a few short fucking miles from my house, going down Highway 4-East, by Somersville exit... I fell asleep at the wheel, hit the hill, tread up it for a little bit until I woke up, flew into the air and almost straight into the overpass, in midair this is, somehow got back on the road in .000000000005 blink of an eye, started spinning doughnuts, my car rolled over quite a few times... I felt the pressure of both cold air, pavement pellets, twigs, rocks, and safety glass roundings propelled by the 70MPH+ freezing cold air rush into my face like a belly flop in a warm pool from 70 feet up.
I saw the sky disapearing into the pavement, returning to the sky, back to the pavement, over and over like night and day, only without the pleasant dreams night (or in my case -- day --) brings.
Then my car landed upside down finally, spinning at such velocity I cannot describe. I saw everything jump to the ceiling, everything crash inward as I spun out of control upside down. I felt the roof crash in on my head, my head hitting the window sending glass everywhere, including my mouth. I heard the sound of twisting metal and flying shrapnel buzzing around my ears, I did't scream once, did not mutter a single word the entire time other than the predictable "Shit!"
The only thought racing through my mind was "Dont lose the ring Iriz gave you", which is a ring I aquired from her, which only fits my right pinky finger. A ring of two lasso's tied together, but ending as one. Two opposite ends of a spectrum held together, though connected through a similiarity. This ring means a lot to me I've found.
I then passed out for who knows how long, less than two minutes for sure, more like one most likely, that is just a guess. When I woke up, I found myself hanging upside down from the strap adjusted accordingly across my torso and mid-section, my safety belt. I struggled to unlatch it, fell to the ceiling... <b>Fell</b> to the <b><i>ceiling</i></b>!! ... And quickly glanced around for a way out of this inward crashed wretched deathtrap. I see an opening... A small head-shaped hole in the driver side's window. I think nothing of it and kick it through, sliding out of the crushed window frame, lending me a total of about 6 inches, making it neccessary to suck everything in, even then I was forced to struggle.
As I got outside, I glanced down and saw my wallet on the pavement, how appropiate, odd, but somehow fitting. I pick it up without another thought and put it in my pocket. Afterall, what else is human nature than to pocket money they find on the floor without any mind to anything else until after?
I finally realize what has happened, I get the sensation it was all a dream again, one made all-too-familiar from when the car was rolling side to side, creating a labrynth of death and danger-haze.
I look over and see a police car directing traffic to the other lane, alright I say, so I just sit there in the freeway slow-lane (now blocked off by the perceiving police unit car) looking at my vehicle. I see a wide assortment of items once connected to my vehicle spread across the infamous, usually traffic-infested Highway 4, if only at a different time, it would have been.
I begin to feel rage setting in, afterall, who the fuck could do this to my car!? I had to exact my vengeance. On who? Why, the cement overpass of course! I start punching the concrete-monster with all my might, kicking it, now and then glancing at my car feeling a deep sorrow settling in, I back away from the unscathed grey beast... And then I begin to weep. Well... Let's be honest, I cried like a young girl must after witnessing her mother slaying her father and brother simply because they have more anatomic creations than her, and parading them around the house in nothing but a Lucille Ball series-finale smile.
I'm going to stop there, for now at least. And just say that I am unharmed, other than many sore muscles, a headache, the fact that I was spitting glass for five minutes, a few scratches and bruises, and furious rage that cannot be put into words. I may continue on a soon but later date, as of right now I do not know.

Maybe tonight we'll fly so far away... We'll be lost before the dawn...
Last edited by DaFrigginDoctah; 2004-08-16 at 02:03 PM.