Posted 2004-08-01, 03:01 AM
in reply to Vollstrecker's post starting "It was more like, Abby, Aaron, Katie,..."
I've heard absolutely nothing positive about this movie. People are saying it's the worst comic adaptation since that shitty Captain America movie that came out in '91. Although, if the rumors about a Green Lantern comedy starring Jack Black are true, there may be another king of crap in the works.
Why is Warner Bros. so dead-set on obliterating any chance they have at paralleling the successes of the recent string of Marvel films? You know the best way to combat successes like Spider Man and X-Men? Use the licenses you own to their full potential instead of treating them like a giant fucking joke. Don't go making shitty Catwoman movies that have nothing to do with the comic character, don't turn Green Lantern into a by-the-numbers Jack Black vehicle, grow a pair of balls and actually make the Lobo movie you've been dangling in front of our eyes for the last ten years, and for the love of GOD do not fuck up Batman Begins or Superman Returns. Show some pride for the licenses you own and don't shit all over the fans.
